What does it take go from good to great and then excel to being even greater?
Good to great is without a doubt and excellent goal to strive for in life. You need to know that the God of the Universe created you as a great person when you were born. Lorene Brown-Watkins has a special message for anyone who desire to become more as a person, to become more as a friend, a husband wife, son, or daughter. Lorene states that we can live our lives as if we are working on a part time job; by giving partime energy to greatness or live our life as it is a full time commitment and give total energy to greatness, your life is a full time commitment so do not treat your life activities as a part time commitment. God is our Father Created us and expect us to have High Standard of Excellence in all that we do!!
We will have a great time discovering your Greatness and setting some realistic Goals in a Fun and Exciting Way to Win!!
There are a few steps we will be covering together:
- The first step is to first know thy self and to thy own self be true.
- The second is to recognize the spirit of greatness within you when you recognize the spirit of greatness within you begin to move from good to greater, third is to master the art of being grateful for what you already have the attitude of gratitude, will give you some of the greatness moments you can experience in your life. True happiness begin with an attitude of gratitude. To move from good to greatness attend these Life Changing Workshops.
It does not matter if you are a teenager, husband, housewife or a corporation these same principles still apply to be great you must choose to be great and to be greater you must not only choose you must make a commitment beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will win the game of life.
This is a message especially for a son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandson or granddaughter, etc.; any young person who’s on track with life or a young person who needs a little message to move forward. This is about going from Great To Greater!! The message is for everyone!!